What to expect from a Headshot photo session

Kaspars Veidemanis Interesting Leave a Comment

All individual Headshot photo sessions include additional features such as: • Warm welcome at the begining of our session and getting to know you better for a better result (coffee, tea or other drink if you would like some) • Introduction of what I will be expecting and what will happen throughout the session • Personal coaching and precise directions …

Difference between Cinematic and Background Headshot

Kaspars Veidemanis Interesting Leave a Comment

The benefits of Cinematic Headshots are that they can set a mood and put you in the area where you are located. Good for business owners, entrepreneurs and anyone with a Social networks account wanting more color in their Headshot picture.   For many this will seem a more appropriate option as these pictures don’t look so static and maybe …

Cheap photo booth Headshot vs a Professional one

Kaspars Veidemanis Interesting Leave a Comment

It is proven that recruiters spend really short amounts of time on each applicants profile and one of the biggest attention getters is indeed your profile picture. Recruiters spend almost 20% of the total time while they are in your profile on your picture. The picture will set a tone for the entire trip they go through your experience and …