Cheap photo booth Headshot vs a Professional one

Kaspars Veidemanis Interesting Leave a Comment

It is proven that recruiters spend really short amounts of time on each applicants profile and one of the biggest attention getters is indeed your profile picture. Recruiters spend almost 20% of the total time while they are in your profile on your picture. The picture will set a tone for the entire trip they go through your experience and professional background. They will remember you by your picture so don’t take any chances and leave the best first impression you possibly can by getting a professional Headshot.

A picture for 3EUR (this booth’s price) is just not comparable with a qualitative Headshot shot in a studio type environment. The impression that a good Headshot gives is just not comparable with any other type of portrait picture as it depicts the person in the most realistic way and will give a realistic impression about the possible candidate, business partner or service supplier. My Headshot images will make you look visually more attractive, trustworthy, accessible and knowledgeable.

Don’t leave your future chances hang in the air and step up your Online presence with an awesome Headshot photo shoot!

Contact me!

Both pictures were taken on the same day with just a couple of hours difference!